
Vectors are generic 1-dimensional arrays and an important basic type in Ginger. They are compact, fast to index and iterate over.

Classes & Constructors

N.B. Dynamic vectors not yet implemented! These are the classes associated with the three different flavours of vector. The apply-action of the classes is the corresponding constructor.
[ X1, …, Xn ] -> V
newVector( X1, … Xn ) -> V
Vector( X1, …, Xn ) -> V
Takes N items X1 to Xn and constructs a single immutable vector V of length N with X1 to Xn as its members.
newDynamicVector( X1, …, Xn ) -> DV
DynamicVector( X1, …, Xn ) -> V
Takes N items X1 to Xn and constructs a single immutable vector DV of length N with X1 to Xn as its members.
newUpdateableVector( X1, …, Xn ) -> UV
UpdateableVector( X1, …, Xn ) -> V
N.B. Updateable vectors not yet implemented! Takes N items X1 to Xn and constructs a single updateable vector UV of length N with X1 to Xn as its members.


isVector( OBJECT ) -> BOOL

Returns true if OBJECT is a vector and immutable. Implies isImmutableObject( OBJECT ).

isUpdateableVector( OBJECT ) -> BOOL

Returns true if OBJECT is a vector and updateable. Implies isUpdateableObject( OBJECT ).

isDynamicVector( OBJECT ) -> BOOL

N.B. Dynamic vectors not yet implemented! Returns true if OBJECT is a vector and dynamic. Implies isUpdateableObject( OBJECT ) and isDynamicObject( OBJECT ).

isVectorLike( OBJECT ) -> BOOL

Returns true if OBJECT is a vector (immutable, updateable or dynamic), otherwise false.

isUpdateableVectorLike( OBJECT ) -> BOOL

Returns true if OBJECT is an updateable vector (updateable or dynamic), otherwise false.

isDynamicVectorLike( OBJECT ) -> BOOL

Returns true if OBJECT is a dynamic vector and (at the time of writing) this is a synonym for isDynamicVector.

Accessors, Updaters and Exploders

explode( V ) -> ( X1, …, Xn )
explode( V ) <- ( X1, …, Xn )
explodeVector( N, V ) -> ( X1, …, Xn )
explodeVector( N, V ) <- ( X1, …, Xn )
N.B. Updaters not implemented yet. Returns the members of a vector V. In update mode, batch updates all the members of a vector. Updating only applies to updateable and dynamic vectors.
V[ N ] -> Xn
V[ N ] <- X
V( N ) -> Xn
V( N ) <- X
indexVector( N, V ) -> Xn
indexVector( N, V ) <- Xn
index( N, V ) -> Xn
index( N, V ) <- X
N.B. Updaters not consistently implemented yet. Returns the Nth member of any vector V. In update mode, it will replace the Nth member of an updateable or dynamic vector with X. Attempting to update an immutable vector will generate a failover.

Note that indexVector is the apply-action of vectors.

length( V ) -> N
lengthVector( V ) -> N
Returns the length of any vector. Length is applicable to any list-like object but lengthVector may only be applied to vectors.